King Abdul Aziz Endowment of the Azizia Eye
Developing the user experience and user interface, programming and implementing the website
The endowment of King Abdul Aziz to Al-Ain Al-Aziziya is a civilized charitable project that the founder - may God have mercy on him - stopped since the century The past to turn a limited idea to transfer water to the city of Jeddah, into a civilized project through which wells were drilled, Renting eyes from Wadi Fatimah and Wadi Khulais, and laying fresh water lines for the city of Jeddah, was our mission a challenge Great for us as the old site needed to update the user interface to the requirements of this technical age
Since our mission at the endowment site was clear, to communicate clearly and simple software solutions, and to achieve that Our content specialists have defined a standard concept that has been applied across the entire web experience. Define this concept Design, implementation, output and backup to keep pace with this age. User experience designers Creates Clear design for the main site, thanks to God and thanks to the harmony of our front and back interface teams, We succeeded in developing an easy-to-use content management system that enables the customer to create new components as they are Compatible with stop sign or adapt existing content as needed